the bare truth is that your belief shapes your reality, if you see darkness how can there
be light, if you only see sorrow, happiness is just an illusion, if you only see
pain, joy is far far away. Sounds
preachy, to me too, absolute trash at times, we always wonder so easy for
someone to advice, feels good for a minute, then we are back to our mundane
lives facing the same set of struggles.
But at the core lies belief, we do not believe it, we rubbish it as we
have become so comfortable reacting, behaving and living in a certain manner,
robotic if I am say, in our conduct, we lack basic belief that yes it can
happen, things can go the way I want them to, life can shape up as I will. The path of affirmations is not easy, reverting
to preset notions and age-old beliefs is a safer option, as it offers comfort
to be in known territory, the unknown comes with no guarantee.
But till you try how would you know? Either
you face troubles the way you have been facing or try acceptance, try changing
your ATTITUDE, it makes all the difference.
If there is anyone in this world who can make you do any of this it is
only YOU, the strings of happiness
lie only in your hands. The almighty has moulded you in a way that only YOU can heal yourself, any problems,
however complex, any situation however complicated only YOU possess the power
to CHANGE it. Adversities wont stop,
problems wont disappear, they will always be there to keep us human, but how
you deal with them will make all the difference in your life. Phew, gyaan and
more gyaan, but no harm trying, the worst is you will FAIL, at least you won’t regret never trying. Anything that betters the quality of your
life is worth a try, you might just succeed and your epitaph will read “AND
The writer is simbly HUMAN J