Wednesday 18 May 2011

Two become One

Life has come to a beautiful turn,
No longer does the road seem lone.
In tow with my betrothal would be,
I shall make my journey complete.

Looming ahead is a different horizon,
Beckoning with its grace enlightens,
Dreams and desires find a new meaning,
Abounded by joy it is overwhelming.

As we exchange vows for life
Amid bonhomie & love so rife
Grace the occasion with your love & blessings
Come be a part of this new beginning.

Transcending pain through the power of Faith

Is love for real?  A question that each one of us must have faced at some point of time in our lives.  Why do we feel so strongly for someone, why do we feel completely helpless and at the mercy of the one we love the most?  No explanation offers respite from these gnawing thoughts. Should love make us feel so powerless?  Isn’t it supposed to make us feel complete, secured, and content? Well agreed it isn’t always a bed of roses, the thorns appear when we least expect them.  Blame it on destiny, the unforeseen forces or anything that seems beyond our control, but the truth is that when the same love that gave us a reason to smile can become the cause of our misery. 

Healing comes with time just like the tide always turns, a night always turns into day and winter always turns to spring, each of these phenomena signal a wave of fresh hope.  Agreed the moments of melancholy seem endless, the pain unbearable, the anxiety over future looms ahead, but if we do not experience a plethora of emotions, we are cheating on life, finding short cuts to avoid occurrences which shape us, make us more human.  The lessons may seem harsh just like when we were little and hated professors who scolded us, but do not forget that they only had our good in mind.

Embracing pain is no easy feat; enduring hurt is an effort, living when all you want to do is stop breathing is by no means an easy task, but BELIEVE that this will also come to pass.  Nothing can hurt more than you allow it to, you will not feel this way forever, freedom from this ache is as far as you believe it is or as near you think it is, either ways you are right.  Easy for the world to tell you to renounce the pain and move ahead, but the heart that has suffered may not always find it easy to piece itself together to become whole again.  Time does heal, assure yourself you will be whole again, pray, have faith, that life will echo a song of joy and happiness once again; the heart which was once filled with sorrow will sing the tune of love.  It is very easy to give up and claim that you will not be the same again, requires courage to act difficult and not bow down to the adversities we face in life. 

Close confidantes may not understand your suffering, the world may mock you for your frailty, but do not feel lonesome in this inner conflict of emotion, always remember you have YOURSELF to rely on.  As long as you can be your own pillar, you will be fine, draw strength from your inner self, let the inner transformation happen at its own pace, don’t force yourself into believing or acting in a way which you disagree with.  You may feel you have lost the battle, feelings of uselessness may plague your mind, do not let them overpower you, as there is no such thing as failure, it is only a perspective.  At the end of it all what matters is what you believe in, if you think you gave it your best, that is the highest truth, nothing anyone says matters at all.  Life is worth all the happiness and sorrows it inflicts upon us, do not slander this precious gift, each one of us is unique and have been blessed to create and mould it the way we desire, do not hand over this gift to anyone to misuse.  You will laugh again, you will feel this emotion once again, only if you do not block your heart and shrivel up, you will dazzle with pride once again, you will LOVE again, as we are the result of love, and to love is where we shall return.


What a world it would be
If obesity was not part of our dictionary.
Businesses cashing in on the hype would cease to exist,
The gyms & talwakars would be part of another planet.

Magic pills and fad diets would not be part of our routine
Treading the mill would be a long forgotten regime
And no longer would we sustain the ordeal
Of counting the grains in every meal.

But life can’t get as simple as that
Gotta battle the bulge and tackle the fat
So get going & don’t lose before you have begun
Relish every moment & savour the fun

Valuing the “PRESENT”

Imagine a life where we get a chance to live our entire existence in one single moment, imagine a moment of eternity to live, express, laugh, cry, shout, scream or do anything that will make our senses come completely alive?  Tough to imagine far tougher to believe, but trust me it can happen, because our being makes such unimaginable things a reality.  Sometimes the problem lies within us, after facing adverse situations we stop believing, stop hoping, faith is like a forgotten story and we succumb to misery, and in the long run it becomes our best companion, not because we lack the art of befriending the right soul but we seek comfort in the fact that we CANNOT change anything.  We assume, despair, alienate ourselves from the warmth that maybe just around the corner. Throughout our lives we pine for true love, but fail to realise that love isn’t only about that special someone, its about loving everyone who makes our life precious, don’t wait for love to come to you, give it selflessly, this may sound melodramatic but this can really steer the course of our life in the direction that leads to boundless joy.

Life happens, sadness happens, happiness happens, as much as we lose so we recover because the universe is not as miserly as Uncle Scrooge, who refuses to budge, it always gives, we have to seek so as to receive.  Closing ourselves from our fate is a terrible mistake, as sooner or later it will find us, so go out there fight your might, life isn’t a bed of roses but its worth living.  Each moment is as precious and as different from the other, each holds the promise of a prosperous tomorrow.  Breathe life into every moment, enjoy even the sorrow that comes your way, because when you find your moment of glory, you will value it like a four leaf clover, and preserve it just like an ancient mummy. 

People come and go, each person who touches our life is a great teacher, some may hurt, and some may heal, each one is important to help us grow out of our state of inertia.  The excitement lies in experiencing the valleys in the landscape of living and not the plane, reaching the peak after an all time low, adds a glow to our soul, and makes each moment of melancholy worth its while.  Make each moment special, do not question what it takes from us, question what we give it in return, the moment may inflict gloom, but you are the recipient, don’t accept it like a Grammy award, don’t curse your fate, fret and fume, take charge, challenge to change it, use your most powerful tool, the mind that is as potent as an alchemist’s elixir.

Problems plague the mind; success seems faraway, happiness an illusion, but the power and wisdom of turnaround lies within us.  There is always a solution to every worry; just as there is a day after night, calm after storm, each piece comes together in the end, the puzzle HAS to be complete, sometimes we try fitting the wrong pieces, but at the end of the day it all falls into perfect place. 

I Dream a dream

I close my eyes and surrender to sleep,
Oblivious to reality, dreams I reap,
Wings adorn my arms as I set my soul free,
Nothing holds me back, in these flights of fantasy.

Far away from reality I dwell in a wonderland,
Where angels tread and make castles in sand,
Happiness doesn’t elude me, wishes I command,
And all I desire is well within reach.

There prevails a sense of tranquility,
I am surely on the path of serendipity,
The soul reflects an inner glow & beauty,
Fears and sorrows no longer chase me.

Hatred is an unheard of emotion
Setting the wheels of boundless love in motion
If only I could find truth in all of this
Sweet dreams are certainly made of these…

Bonding gets a new meaning

“Am bored, need a coffee break”, sounds familiar? Welcome to the age of cushion comforting social networking.  Facebook takes the cake when it comes to connecting and bonding in the virtual world, an all encompassing by-product of Harvard dropout Mark Zuckerberg. It is surely the first utterance by a spiked hair teenager, before he even memorizes his history lessons correctly.    The addiction isn’t restricted to any age-group, as you do an advanced search you will be surprised to be filling your family tree faster than you ever imagined.

The quantity (minus quality) of your friend list determines your popularity quotient.   The zillion applications keep you occupied on a lazy day, you will be surprised to find out that you were an old witch in your last birth and will be a billionaire in the coming 10 years, and it doesn’t stop here, some apps also predict your hair colour according to your personality type, whether you are your friend’s best friend or worst enemy, the name of your lover in your past existence, and the list is endless.

Self-obsessed souls (me included), splash their pictures at every occasion, right from baby christenings, marriages(obviously), honeymoon(2nd, 3rd, 4th….), picnics and every possible event worthy of being captured and preserved. Infact these days, pictures are taken in a manner which is Facebook worthy.  You can’t get any more clandestine than changing your current status, and proclaiming your commitment, to your beloved by announcing to the world that you are one. 

Anybody who is a somebody loves to give their views on status messages, best messages should indeed qualify for a Best Comment award.  RSS feeds would surely feed any comedian with enough hilarity to last a lifetime.   

You will never miss being a farmer, thanks to the Farmville application, you can be busy milking cows, raising sheds, trading elephants, and everything is a possibility in this virtually imaginative world.  Your secret desires of being a part of the cult mafia are also fulfilled as you can gang up against your friends using the Mafia Wars application. It is a boon to marketers as studies are being specially conducted to test its viability as a lucrative marketing tool.  The debate on its existence, whether it qualifies as just another fad or is here to stay remains a question mark.  As long as it can maintain its flavour of innovation and keep the interest alive, members do not mind being just another face on this book.